Special editions
Special editions published by the Institute are edited in accordance to a unified set of instructions, same as that used for the Journal. Each publication is unique original work, has its own editor and is assigned with two reviewers, lately even three reviewers. The authors have to deliver the manuscript and to direct the special request to the Publisher. The decision on publishing of Special Issues is assigned to the Scientific Board of the Institute. Each individual publication is marked by its own ordinal number in the series, as well as unique ISBN number and CIP assigned by the National Library of Serbia. The issues published so far are available from the Institute’s library as printed publications. A number of these publications are also available in electronic form on the official web site of the Institute as well as on Google Books service. Special issues are published in Serbian language with a Summary on English. Here you can find the Summary of recent Special issues.

Previous Editions
Book 79. Marko V. Milošević (2010):
Landslides in Jagodina Municipality
Book 78. Jugoslav Nikolić (2010):
Book 77. Jugoslav Nikolić (2010):
Book 76. Dragana Milijašević (2010):
Hydrogeographic Study of the Djetinja River
Book 75. Boško Milovanović (2010):
Climate of the Mountain Stara Planina
Book 74. Jelena Kovačević - Majkić (2009):
A Hydrogeographic Study of the Skrapež River
Book 73. Dragana Matijević (2009):
The Spatial-functional Connection between the Settlements of the Stara Pazova Municipality and the Urban System of Belgrade
Book 72. Jelena Ćalić (2008):
The Contact and Structural Characteristics of the Karst of Dževrinska greda
Book 71. Milan Radovanović, Joao Fernando Pereira Gomes (2008):
Solar Activity and Forest Fires
Book 70. Ana Milanović (2007):
A Hydrogeographic Study of the Lepenica River
Book 69. Marko Urošev (2007):
The Basin of the Golijska Moravica River – a Hydrological Analysis
Book 68. Milovan Milivojević (2007):
The Glacial Relief on Mt Volujak with Mt Bioč and Mt Maglić
Book 67. Željko Bjeljac (2006):
The Theoretical-Methodological Foundations of Event Tourism
Book 66. Vesna Lukić (2005):
Refugee Migrations from Bosnia and Herzegovina in Belgrade
Book 65. Željko Bjeljac, Dragoljub Štrbac, Edit Lendak (2004):
Tourist Events along the Line of the Danube-Morava Corridor
Book 64. Željko Bjeljac, Ivan B. Popović (2004):
The Material Basis of Tourism in the Area of the Danube-Morava Corridor
Book 63. Marina Todorović, Branka Tošić, Branislav Stojanović (2004):
Serbia, Euro-regions and European Integrations
Book 62. Branka Tošić, Dragana Matijević, Vesna Lukić (2004):
The Danube Morava Corridor – Settlements
Book 61. Mirčeta Vemić (2005):
An Ethnic Map of a Part of Old Serbia. Based on the Travelogue of Miloš S. Milojević 1871–1877
Book 60. Vladimir Nikitović (2004):
The Accuracy of Projections of the Population of Serbia
Book 59. Jasmina S. Djordjević (2004):
The Typology of Physical-Geographic Factors in Landscape Planning
Book 58. Milan Bursać (preface) (2003):
Dušan Dukić – 55 Years of Scientific Work and 80 Years of Age
Book 57. Ljubomir Marković, Svetislav Lj. Marković (2002):
The Population of the Moravica Stari Vlah Region
Book 55. Mirčeta Vemić (1998):
The Theory of Meaning in Cartography
Book 54. Group of autors (2003):
The Demographic Characteristics of the Regionalisation of Serbia (Second edition)
Book 53. Group of autors (2003):
The Geographic Structure and the Regionalisation of Serbia 2
Book 52. Predrag Djurović (editor) (1998):
Speleological atlas of Serbia (co-publishers: Institute for Protection of Nature of Serbia, Faculty of Geography - University of Belgrade, and Faculty of Biology - University of Belgrade)
Book 51. Group of autors (1997):
The Geographic Structure and the Regionalisation of Serbia 1
Book 50. Živadin Jovičić (1997):
Planet Earth – the Reality and Visions
Book 49. Milan Bursać (1996):
Geographic Potential – the Evaluation and Planning of Settlements
Book 48. Milan M. Radovanović (1996):
A Climate-based Regionalisation of Metohija
Book 47. Jasmina S. Djordjević (1996):
An Evaluation of Nature Potential on the Example of the Basins of the Jablanica and Veternica Rivers
Book 46. Radmilo B. Jovanović (1995):
The Network of Serbian Cities – a Model of Spatial-Functional Organisation
Book 45. Predrag Djurović (1995):
The Karst Relief in the Kravarica River Basin – Dragačevo
Book 44. Александар Вељковић, Radmilo B. Jovanović, Branka Tošić (1995):
The Cities of Serbia – the Development Centres in the Network of Settlements
Book 43. Ljubomir Menković (1995):
The Surface Karst Morphology of Mokra Gora and Žljeb
Book 42. Group of autors (1995):
The Municipality of Mionica
Book 41. Miroslav Ocokoljić (1994):
The Cyclical Character of Dry and Wet Periods in Serbia
Book 40/1. Group of autors (1994):
The Mt Šara Districts of Gora, Opolje and Sredska – the Characteristics of the Natural Environment
Book 40/2. Group of autors (1995):
The Mt Šara Districts of Gora, Opolje and Sredska – the Anthropogeographic-ethnological, Demographic, Sociological and Culturological Characteristics
Book 40/3. Group of autors (1997):
The Mt Šara Districts of Gora, Opolje and Sredska – the Social-economic Development (the Past – the Present – the Future)
Book 39. Group of autors (1992):
The Municipality of Smederevo
Book 38. Gordana Bojković (1992):
The Mortality Rate of the Population of Belgrade
Book 37/1. Group of autors (1990):
The Municipality of Štrpce, the Sirinić District – the Characteristics of the Natural Environment
Book 37/2. Group of autors (1990):
The Municipality of Štrpce, the Sirinić District – the Demographic Development and the Specific Characteristics of the Social Space
Book 37/3. Group of autors (1991):
The Municipality of Štrpce, the Sirinić District – the Social-economic Development, Organisation and Use of Space
Book 36. Miroslav Milojević (1989):
The Agricultural Complex in the Municipality of Obrenovac
Book 35. Radmilo B. Jovanović (1988):
The System of Settlements in Šumadija
Book 34. Miroslav Milojević (1984):
The Post-war Development of the Agricultural Complex in the Municipality of Mladenovac
Book 33. Miloš Zeremski (1983):
Traces of Neotectonic Processes in the Relief of Western Serbia
Book 32. Zdravko Ivanović (1979):
Cities – the Communal Centres of Montenegro
Book 31. Miladin Ž. Vesić (1978):
The Population and Migrations in Eastern Serbia
Book 30. Miroslav Milojević (1977):
The Post-war Development of Cattle-raising in Western Serbia – Agrarian-geographic Studies
Book 29. Zdravko Ivanović (1977):
Nikšić – an Urban-geographic Study
Book 28. Milena Sikimić-Spasovski (1977):
The Natural Components of the Development of the Population of Belgrade
Book 27. Olga Savić (1977):
The Cities and Lesser Settlements of Eastern Serbia
Book 26. Miroslav D. Milojević (1975):
Western Serbia – Agrarian-geographic Studies
Book 25. Dragan P. Rodić (1974):
The Uvce River Basin – a Regional-geographic Study
Book 24. Miroslav D. Milojević (1972):
The Development and Characteristics of Cattle-raising in Eastern Serbia
Book 23. Mihailo Kostić (1970):
The Bela Palanka Depression – Social-geographic Studies
Book 22. Dragutin Petrović (1970):
The Crni Timok River Basin – a Geomorphological Study
Book 21. Olga Savić (1969):
Kruševac and Its Sphere of Influence
Book 20. Miloš Zeremski (1969):
The Sjenica Depression – a Geomorphological Study
Book 19. Branimir Lj. Dakić (1967):
The Sokobanja Depression – an Economic-geographic Study
Book 18. Mišo Lazarević (1967):
The Climate Characteristics of Herceg-Novi and its Gravitational Area, with an Overview of the Conditions for the Development of Tourism and Growing Tropical Fruit
Book 17. Miroslav D. Milojević (1962):
Mačva, the Šabac Posavina Region and Pocerina
Book 16. Radovan Lj. Ršumović (1960):
The Relief of the Golijska Moravica River Basin
Book 15. Gavrilo Vidanović-Sazda (1960):
Vidlič – Zabrđe – an Economic-geographic Study
Book 14. Olga Savić (1958):
The Influence of the Sphere of Aleksinac and its Characteristics
Book 13. Group of autors (1957):
On the Occasion of the Thirtieth Anniversary of the Death of Jovan Cvijić
Book 12. Dušan Dukić (1957):
The Sava River – a Potamological Study
Book 11. Milisav V. Lutovac (1957):
The Ivangrad (Berane) Depression – Regional-geographic Research
Book 10. Branislav P. Jovanović (1956):
The Relief of the Kolubara River Basin – a Contribution to the Knowledge of the Development of Polyphase and Polygenetic Basin Relief
Book 9. Čedomir S. Milić (1956):
The Pek River Basin – a Geomorphological Study
Book 8. Мирослав Д. Поповић (1956):
Kragujevac and Its Economic Area – a Contribution to the Economic and Social Geography of the City and Its Surroundings
Book 7. Olga Savić (1955):
The Influence of the Sphere of Cities in the Greater Morava River Valley
Book 6. Gavrilo Vidanović-Sazda (1955):
The Visok Region – Economic-geographic Research
Book 5. Đorđe P. Paunković (1953):
The Relief of the Resava River Basin
Book 4. Stevan P. Bošković (1952):
Longitude Deviation in Serbia
Book 3. Milisav Lutovac (1951):
The Economic-geographic Characteristics of Jasenica
Book 2. Branislav Bukurov (1951):
The Economic-geographic Conditions and Traffic Connections of the Fruška Gora Area
Book 1. Borivoje Ž. Milojević, Pavle Hrćan (1949):
Contributions to the Geography of the Banat Sands

From the Notebooks of Jovan Cvijić – Selected Pages and Interpretations –
Book 94
ISBN 978-86-7025-792-4 (SASA)
UDK 978-86-80029-75-7 (GIJC)
Year of publishing: 2019
Authors: Ana Milanović Pešić (Editor-in- Chief), Jelena Ćalić, Marko D. Petrović, Aleksandra Terzić, Zlata Vuksanović-Macura

Natural causes of climat variability in Serbia
Book 93
ISBN 978-86-80029-72-6
Year of publishing: 2017
Authors: Boško Milovanović
Editor: Milan Radovanović

Geographical Institute "Jovan Cvijić" SASA 1947–2017.
History and perspectives
Book 92
ISBN 978-86-80029-71-9
Year of publishing: 2017
Authors: Željko Bjeljac, Ana Milanović Pešić, Marko D. Petrović, Radmila Miletić, Marija Drobnjaković, Jovana Todorić, Aleksandra Spalević, Jasna Stojanović, Stefan Denda
Editor: Željko Bjeljac

Geography of Serbia
Book 91
ISBN 978-86-80029-70-2
Year of publishing: 2017
Authors: Group of autors
Editor: Milan Radovanović

Small cities – Demographic potential of Serbia
Book 90
ISBN 978-86-80029-69-6
UDK 711.435:314(497.11)
Year of publishing: 2016
Authors: Vlasta Kokotović Kanazir
Editor: Željko Bjeljac

Development perspectives of the cultural route "Fortresses along the Danube"
Book 88
ISBN 978-86-80029-61-0
Year of publishing: 2014
Authors: Aleksandra Terzić
Editor: Željko Bjeljac

Tourism on Vršac mountain
Book 89
ISBN 978-86-80029-65-8
Year of publishing: 2015
Authors: Željko Bjeljac & Jovan Romelić
Editor: Aleksandra Terzić

UV radiation and heat waves in Vojvodina
Book 87
ISBN 978-86-80029-68-9
Year of publishing: 2016
Authors: Slavica Malinović Milićević, Milan Radovanović
Editor: Boško Milovanović
Residential preferences analysis in the context of reurbanisation in Belgrade
Book 86
ISBN 978-86-80029-60-3
Year of publishing: 2013
Authors: Jovana Todorić
Editor: Darko Vuković
Transformation of the peri-urban area of Belgrade
Book 85
ISBN 978-86-80029-59-7
Year of publishing: 2013
Authors: Aleksandra Spalević
Editor: Vesna Lukić

Prijepolje - factor of the regional integrity of the south-west Serbia
Book 84
ISBN 978-86-80029-57-3
UDK 911.37:314(497.11-14), 711.2(497.11-14)
Year of publishing: 2012
Authors: Marija Drobnjaković
Editor: Jugoslav Ninković
Population change and functional structure of Pančevo
Book 83
ISBN 978-86-80029-53-5
Year of publishing: 2011
Authors: Vesna Lukić
Editor: Željko Bjeljac
Tourist events in Serbia
Book 82
ISBN 978-86-80029-52-8
Year of publishing: 2010
Authors: Željko Bjeljac
Editor: Ivan B. Popović and Vesna Lukić
Ecological tourism in protected natural assets in Banat
Book 81
ISBN 978-86-80029-51-1
Year of publishing: 2010
Authors: Jovana Brankov
Editor: Željko Bjeljac
Hazardous waste management - system planning, organization, functioning
Book 80
ISBN 978-86-800-2950-4
Year of publishing: 2010
Authors: Milena Panić
Editor: Željko Bjeljac