From the Notebooks of Jovan Cvijić – Selected Pages and Interpretations –
Book 94
ISBN 978-86-7025-792-4 (SASA)
UDK 978-86-80029-75-7 (GIJC)
Year of publishing: 2019
Authors: Ana Milanović Pešić (Editor-in- Chief), Jelena Ćalić, Marko D. Petrović, Aleksandra Terzić, Zlata Vuksanović-Macura
The publication, entitled "From the Notebooks of Jovan Cvijić – Selected Pages and Interpretations" is the result of cooperation between the Belgrade City Museum and the Geographical Institute "Jovan Cvijić" SASA. It has been prepared with a deep awareness of the importance of Jovan Cvijić’s scientific research work and with the idea to present to the academic and general audiences less familiar details related to the research of Jovan Cvijić, data collecting and the preparation of visual materials, through a carefully organised and thoughtfully and professionally written book. At the beginning of the publication, the Museum of Jovan Cvijić is presented, along with the Legacy containing 42 of his notebooks registered in the inventory. The historical and geographical context of the notebooks is subsequently analyzed in a separate text, followed by an overview of the dominant issues therein elaborated.
The latter part of the publication contains a number of texts accompanying the corresponding original pages from Cvijić’s notebooks. They are written in a concise and structurally equable manner, in order to present selected details about his scientific work and indicate his views and opinions. Furthermore, each text also bears the personal signature of the author, expressed through the interpretation of the selected manuscripts. These texts are from different areas of Cvijić’s scientific work, from the exploration of karst, glaciation, fluvial relief to anthropogeography and ethnographical studies. The texts often contain transcribed segments, with the intention of literally translating Cvijić’s words, as well as providing a direct testimony of his scientific work and private and social life. In terms of their contents, the texts are intended for the professional audience, but in general, they are also understandable to the average educated reader.
A feature of the publication is that it contains the original pages of Jovan Cvijić’s fieldnotes and sketches that have never been published in their original form before. This is a publication with the most comprehensive presentation of this archival material so far.
In 2015, 150 years elapsed since the birth of Jovan Cvijić, and in 2017 marked the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Geographical Institute named after him. This book, originally published in Serbian in 2017 was a modest contribution of the authors and editors to these jubilees. Taking into account the significance of Cvijic’s work at the international level, we considered it very important to publish this book in English in order to make it available to the wider international scientific audience.
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