Prijepolje - factor of the regional integrity of the south-west Serbia
Book 84
ISBN 978-86-80029-57-3
UDK 911.37:314(497.11-14), 711.2(497.11-14)
Year of publishing: 2012
Authors: Marija Drobnjaković
Editor: Jugoslav Ninković
Monograph "Prijepolje - a factor of the regional integrity of south-west Serbia" is original scientific work written based on the theoretical knowledge, scientific methods, field researches, domestic and foreign scientific and professional literature. Monograph by Marija Drobnjaković presents the urban geographical study of the functional urban area of Prijepolje (community of Prijepolje, Priboj and Nova Varos). Analysis of observed space was done for the period from the year 1971 until the year 2002. The book consists of 6 chapters presented on 203 pages. The work includes also 24 tabular notes, 4 cartographic supplements, and 34 graphic supplements. In the introduction of the monograph, the time and space frame of the researches are defined. The author emphasizes that the subject of the research is defining hierarchy and spatial functional relations in the net of communities of a functional urban area of Prijepolje. The theoretical and practical frame of researches is related to territorial organization and uneven regional development of the Republic of Serbia as well as the necessity of establishment of functional space integrity with functional urban areas, considering practice in the countries of European Union. The third chapter contains a review of natural-geographic and cultural-historic characteristics of the researched space, presented through the smaller parts communication position of Prijepolje and nearby communities, physical characteristics and development of communities through history. Analysis of spatial demographic and spatial functional characteristics of the areas are presented in chapter Internal structure of the functional urban area of Prijepolje - interregional changes. Demographic processes are especially emphasized as a significant determinant of the community network. Vertical and horizontal division of communities is defined according to the spatial arrangement of the population.