The Social Geography Department

Department of Social Geography examines the broad range of demographic and anthropological research, through a multidisciplinary approach in order to study population issues (settlement geography, demography, migration, population structures and projections, population statistics, historical demography, anthropology, geopolitics, population policies, cultural studies, tourism, etc). The members of the Institute that are part of this department are directed towards the aquisition and dissemination of knowledge based on theoretical issues on population development, regional differentiation of demographic processes in Serbia, Balkans, Europe and the world, as well as other population concerned studies.


Željko Bjeljac, Ph.D., Principal Research Fellow, Head of Department

Research areas: Social Geography, Anthropological Geography

Aleksandra Terzić

Aleksandra Terzić, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate

Research areas: Anthropology,Social Geography, Tourism, Cultural Studies


Jovana Brankov

Jovana Brankov, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate

Research areas: Social Geography, Tourism, Sustainable and Eco-tourism


Marko D. Petrović

Marko D. Petrović, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate

Research areas: Human Geography, Tourism, Rural Development, Local Economy


Tamara Gajić

Tamara Gajić, Associate Professor Ph.D., Senior Research Associate

Research areas: Geography, Tourism, Hotel Management, Rural Development, Gastronomy, Management


Vlasta Kokotović Kanazir

Vlasta Kokotović Kanazir, Ph.D., Research Associate

Research areas: Demography, Spatial demography, Education


Jasna Micić

Jasna Micić, Ph.D., Research Associate

Research areas: Sustainable development, Environment protection, Tourism


Jovana Todorić

Jovana Todorić, Ph.D., Research Associate

Research areas: Urban Social Geography, Economic Geography


Marko Filipović

Marko Filipović, Ph.D., Research Associate

Research areas: Demography, Migration


Stefan Denda

Stefan Denda, Ph.D., Research Associate

Research areas: social geography, tourism geography, political geography, quality of life research


Stefana Babović

Stefana Matović, Ph.D. , Research Associate

Organisation: Geographical institute "Jovan Cvijić", SASA

Research areas: Social Geography, Sustainable Development, Social-economic research
