Development perspectives of the cultural route "Fortresses along the Danube"
Book 88
ISBN 978-86-80029-61-0
Year of publishing: 2014
Authors: Aleksandra Terzić
Editor: Željko Bjeljac
The presentation of cultural heritage through cultural routes and itineraries is in line with the preferences of the Strategy of the tourism development in the Republic of Serbia. Cultural (thematic) routes are presented as the priority axis of the national strategy of tourism development. They are represented in a long list of proposed, preliminary and completed projects based on the creation and promotion of cultural and thematic routes in this region. Strategies for valuation of cultural heritage in line with the cultural route development and revitalization of fortresses in the Republic of Serbia, demand the acknowledgment of their specific importance. They need the
efforts in establishing the sustainability and finding the proper ways in the creation of cultural products. They should enable the fortresses to be revived and experienced by both, residents and tourists. This can be achieved through the incorporation of scientifically developed methods and implementation of specific measures. These must be supported by the government, with an aim of putting the heritage into public use and profit making. It must be done in terms of sustainable development, followed by ensuring the proper management and protection of cultural assets.
Within the Republic of Serbia there is a great number of fortresses and castles from different historical periods. However, most of those sites in Serbia are at the moment in a critical state. They were neglected and ignored by the local communities, the government and the tourism industry for decades. Even though, there is a vast number of fortification remains and fortresses in Serbia. They are mostly categorized in a group of archaeological sites. Among the great number of fortresses in Serbia, potential for becoming the representative tourist attractions, have only a few, the most impressive and the best preserved ones. Fortresses along the Danube in Serbia could represent very important elements in the process of the development of the tourist offer of Serbia in Danube region. Along the Danube in Serbia exists seven greatly preserved fortresses, dating from different historical periods. Fortresses in Bac, Petrovaradin, Belgrade, Smederevo, Ram, Golubac and Kladovo are extremely valuable cultural resources of Serbia. Those fortresses are proclaimed to be the cultural monuments of exceptional or great national value. They are protected by the Law and put into the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia. The care of the fortresses is submitted to the local and regional institutions engaged in the protection of the cultural monuments. The focus of this study is set on the development of the cultural route Fortresses along the Danube in Serbia. It is based on the analysis of the characteristics of the Danube region in Serbia. Focus is set on the analysis of the possibilities of the cultural tourism development in this region. Cultural route in Serbia can be based on cultural heritage and fortresses along the Danube River. They can present key attractions of the route. They will surely effect the creation of the cultural tourist offer in the Danube area and enrich the tourist offer of Serbia.
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