Date: October,03, 2019, to October, 042019

Venue: Congress Centre–Ohrid, North Macedonia

Organizers: Macedonian Geographical Society

Programme: MGD Symposium_Final program..pdf


Associates of the Geographical Institute "Jovan Cvijic" SASA, Dr Ana Milanović Pešić, Dr Dejana Jakovljević, Dr Јovana Brankov, Vlasta Kokotović Kanazir, MSc and Dr Aleksandra Terzić, attended the International Scientific Conference "New Trends in Geography" held in Ohrid (North Macedonia) in Congress Centre of the Ss Cyril and Methodius University– Skoplje (North Macedonia). They presented their research on that occasion, and Dr Jovana Brankov was the chairman of Section:Socio-Economic Geography.



Participants: Ana Milanović Pešić

Proceedings: Water regime and discharges trends of rivers in Šumadija region (Serbia) (пленарно излагање)


Participant: Dejana Jakovljević

Proceedings: Water pollution and possible solutions in AP Vojvodina (Serbia)


Participant: Jovana Brankov

Proceedings: Мanaging the ecotourism development: a case study of Serbia’s nature reserve

Coauthors: Tamara Jojić Glavonjić, Željko Bjeljac


Participant: Vlasta Kokotović Kanazir

Proceedings: Survival of the smallest - demographic resources of small urban areas

Coauthors: Gordana Vojković, Marija Drobnjaković


Participant: Aleksandra Terzić

Proceedings: Recommendations for tourism development of rural areas in North Macedonia

Coauthors: Nikola Dimitrov, Biljana Petrevska

