Associates of the Geographical Institute "Jovan Cvijic" SASA, Dr Јovana Brankov, Dr Dejana Jakovljević, Dr Ana Milanović Pešić, Aleksandra Spalević, MSc and Dr Milena Panić attended the International Conference "Smart Geography" held in Faculty of Geology and Geography –Sofia University in Sofia (Bulgaria), from 2nd until 4th of November 2018, and presented their research on that occasion.

Name of the event: International Conference "Smart Geography" – dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Bulgarian Geographical Society.

Date: November 2, to November 4, 2018

Venue: Faculty of Geology and Geography –Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria, Sofia, Bulgaria

Organisers: Bulgarian Geographical Society, European Association of Geographers (EUROGEO), Faculty of Geology and Geography, Sofia University


Participants: Jovana Brankov

Announcement title: Announcement title: Ecotourism in national parks in Serbia: Visitors’ perceptions on environmental impact

Coautors: Tamara Jojić Glavonjić


Participant: Dejana Jakovljević

Announcement title: Announcement title: Water quality issues – Examples from Serbia


Participant: Ana Milanović Pešić

Announcement title: Extreme flood events in Kolubara River (Serbia)

Coauthors: Dragana Milijašević Joksimović


Participant: Aleksandra Spalević

Announcement title: Village in Serbia – between the print media and science

Coauthors: Marija Drobnjaković, Milena Panić


Conference program: PROGRAM.pdf
