10th InASEA Congress in Graz (Austria) organized by Southeast European History and Anthropology of the University of Graz was held on 15-18 September 2022. The theme of this congress was “Visual Cultures in Southeast Europe: globalization, gender, power, and resistance”. The congress was attended by Aleksandra Terzić, senior research associate of Geographical Institute "Jovan Cvijić" SASA.
Name of the event: 10th InASEA Conference "Visual Cultures in Southeast Europe" (2022).
Date: September 15, to September 18, 2022
Venue: University of Graz, Graz, Austria
Organisers: Institute of Southeast European History and Anthropology, University of Graz
Participants: Aleksandra Terzić
Announcement title: Student's perception of socialist memorial culture and its visual representation and reinterpretation
Coautors: Nataša Simeunović Bajić, University of Niš
Conference program: 10th_InASEA_Congress_Program_September_15-18__2022_Graz.pdf