
Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA

The Geographical Institute was founded on May 31st 1947 within the framework of the Serbian Academy of Sciences (Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts). One of the initiators, founders and the first Director of the Institute was Petar S. Jovanović, a member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts. Institute Directors have included the Academicians Pavle Vujević and Milisav Lutovac, Prof. Dušan Dukić, PhD, Prof. Milovan Radovanović, PhD, and others, and since 2008 until today the function of Director of the Institute holds Milan Radovanović, PhD.

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The Institute is a scientific institution, a unit of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Belgrade, whose basic activities are organisation and systematic work on developing scientific research in the sphere of geography.

It is the Institute’s task in particular to study landscape phenomena, objects, forms, relations, states and processes within the geographical environment. Its research encompasses the landscapes of Serbia, as well as the broader territories of the Balkan Peninsula, South and Central Europe and the world.

The Geographical Institute publishes the work of its collaborators in its editions entitled Journal (Collection of Papers) and Special Publications. So far, the Institute has published 70 collections of papers, and 96 monographs.

The Institute organizes various scientific events dealing with geographical issues of topical interest and cooperates with other geographical institutions, both domestic and foreign, especially with institutes within the Academies of other countries (Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia, etc.). Members of the Institute participate in scientific conferences within our country and abroad on a regular basis.

The Institute consists of four departments: the Physical Geography Department (comprising all the physical geographic disciplines), the Social Geography Department (dealing with research into settlements, population and anthropogeographic research), the Regional Geography Department (dealing with landscape planning and the environment) and the Cartography Department (compiling the Institute database, processing data and preparing thematic maps).

The Institute engages the services of 39 research collaborators (among whom 29 hold a Ph.D. degree, 9 hold a MSc degree, and one is graduate geographer), who realize projects funded by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia and other institutions. Also, the Institute employs 3 additional employees as technical staff.


The Institute organs

The Director, the Managing Board, and the Scientific Council are the authorized organs of the Institute that establish its policy, organization, and manage the scientific-research activities of the Institute. They oversee the fulfillment of the staffing, material, financial, technological, and other conditions necessary for achieving scientifically valuable and socially useful research results so that the Institute’s scientific contributions should be visible on both the national and the international levels.



The Institute is run by the Director. He/she is appointed for a period of four years, on the basis of a public contest, from among researchers who possess a scientific academic title. The Director is employed with the Institute on a full-time basis.If the current Director’s term of office expires, and a new one has not been appointed for any legally valid reason, or on the basis of valid administrative acts of the Academy, the Managing Board shall appoint an Acting Director, whose authority will be equal to that of the Director while he/she performs that function.


Milan Radovanović, Ph.D., Principal Research Fellow


Ana Milanović Pešić

Ana Milovanović Pešić, Ph.D., Senior Researh Associate


Vladica Cvetković, Academician, Regular Member of SASA (President)

Kosta Čavoški, Academician, Regular Member of SASA

Luka Popović, Ph.D., Principal Research Fellow

Zlata Vuksanović-Macura, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate

Jelena Ćalić, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate


Tivadar Gaudenyi, Senior Research Associate (President)

Aleksandar Kostić, Academician, Regular Member of SASA

Prof. Slobodan B. Marković, Corresponding Member of SASA

Milan Radovanović, Ph.D., Principal Research Fellow

Željko Bjeljac, Ph.D., Principal Research Fellow

Boško Milovanović, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate

Aleksandra Terzić, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate

Darko Vuković, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate

Marko D. Petrović, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate

Slavica Malinović Milićević, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate

Zlata Vuksanović Macura, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate

Dunja Demirović Bajrami, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate

Tamara Gajić, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate

Milan Milenković, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate

Jelena Ćalić, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate

Ana M. Petrović, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate

Nina Ćurčić, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate

Ana Milanović Pešić, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate

Jovana Brankov, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate

Marija Drobnjaković, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate

Gorica Stanojević, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate

Marko Milošević, Ph.D., Research Associate

Marko Filipović, Ph.D., Research Associate

Stefana Matović, Ph.D., Research Associate

Marko Urošev, Ph.D., Research Associate

Dejana Jakovljević, Ph.D., Research Associate

Milena Panić, Ph.D., Research Associate

Dragana Milijašević, Ph.D., Research Associate

Milica Pecelj, Ph.D., Research Associate

Suzana Lović Obradović, Ph.D., Research Associate

Jelena Kovačević Majkić, Ph.D., Research Associate

Dragana Miljanović, Ph.D., Research Associate

Jovana Todorić, Ph.D., Research Associate

Tamara Jojić Glavonjić, Ph.D., Research Associate

Aleksandra Žaja, Ph.D., Research Associate

Dejan Doljak, Ph.D., Research Associate

Stefan Denda, Ph.D., Research Associate

Jasna Micić, Ph.D., Research Associate


Aleksandra Terzić, Senior Research Associate (President)

Suzana Lović Obradović, Ph.D., Research Associate (Deputy)

Boško Milovanović, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate

Slavica Malinović Milićević, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate

Ana Milanović Pešić, Ph.D., Research Associate

Jelena Ćalić, Ph.D., Research Associate

Marija Drobnjaković, Ph.D., Research Associate

Milovan Milivojević, Ph.D., Research Associate

Dragana Miljanović, Ph.D., Research Associate

Jovana Todorić, Ph.D., Research Associate






Mission and Vision


The institute is a scientific institution, a unit of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, in Belgrade, whose basic activities are organisation and systematic work on developing scientific research in the sphere of geography. It is the Institute's task in palticular to study landscape phenomena, objects, forms, relations, states and processes within the geographical enviroment. Its research encompasses the landscapes of Serbia, as well as the broader territories of the Balkan Peninsula, South and Central Europe, wider European area and the world.

The mission of the Institute is that as a scientific research organization brings together basic, applied and developmental multidisciplinary research in a geographical, natural and social sciences. The aim of the Institute is to achieve greater application of the results of geographical research in the country and abroad, as well as the popularization of science and spread scientific knowledge and skills aimed at public and private sector, as well as individuals here and abroad.

The Institute gives its contribution through:

- scientific results and inovation in strategic areas in cosolidation with the needs and development potentials of Serbia; the research articles of Institute's collaborators are published in Journal of the Geographical Institute "Jovan Cvijic"  and Special editions. Until today 66 Journals and 89 monograph editions were published within Institute. 

- collaborationwith domestic and foreign Institutions in the scope of scientific, research and education activities,  and cooperation  with other geographical institutes in the country and abroad, especially with institutes within the Academies of other neighbouring countries (Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia, etc.);

education of doctoral students and experts in the field of geosciences in order to obtain academic degrees and their involvement in scientific projects. The Institute has hired 36 staff members (including 21 PhDs, 14 master 's degree and one geographer), which implement projects funded by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia and other institutions. Also, the Institute engaged four four doctoral students holders of the scholarship of the Ministry of Science.

- providing consulting and other services that lead to the implementation of new knowledge and technologies in the field of geosciences;

- responding to global issues and contribute to the development of joint solutions and innovative ideas through the organization of and participation in various conferences and seminars on topical geographical issues and the publication of scientific works of the Institute's collaborators in the leading international scientific journals.

- popularization of science and raising social awareness about the importance of scientific research and innovation for society as a whole, primarily through lectures, promotion and participation of the Institute at various events in Serbia.


The Institute was founded on May 31st 1947 on the basis of a Decree on the Institutes of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, under the name of the Geographical Institute. Since 1961, it has been operating under the name of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

Legal documents

1. Decision on establishing the Geographical Institute within the framework of the Academy in 1947. The Yearbook of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, no. 54, 1947.

yearbook 54 frontpage mini
yearbook 54 text mini

2. Decree on establishing the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 1961. The Official Gazette of the People’s Republic of Serbia, no. 18, April 29th 1961.

offical gazette 61 s273 mini
offical gazette 61 s274 mini



Cvijić and academicians

Jovan Cvijić

Petar S. Jovanović

Borivoje Ž. Milojević

Vojislav S. Radovanović

Stevan P. Bošković

Pavle Vujević

Milisav V. Lutovac

Branislav Bukurov

Managers and directors

1. Petar S. Jovanović, Academician, Head of the Institute 1947-1957

2. Pavle Vujević, Academician Head of the Institute 1957-1961

3. Vladimir Djurić, PhD, Head of the Institute 1961-1962

4. Vučeta Lakić, Head of the Institute 1963-1965

5. Čedomir Milić, PhD, Head of the Institute 1965-1970

6. Milisav V. Lutovac, Academician, Director 1970-1979

7. Dušan Dukić, PhD, Director 1979-1983

8. Miroslav Milojević, PhD, Director 1983-1986

9. Radovan Ršumović, PhD, Director 1986

10. Miloš Zeremski, PhD, Director 1987-1989

11. Aleksandar Veljković, PhD, Director 1989-1991

12. Milovan V. Radovanović, PhD, Director 1991-1994

13. Ljubomir Menković, PhD, Acting Director 1.1–9.30, 1995

14. Milan Bursać, PhD, Director 1995-2006

15. Jasmina Djordjević, PhD, Acting Director 2006-2008

16. Milan Radovanović, PhD, Director from 2008 to the present

Former collaborators

List of former collaborators.

Authorial texts about the Institute

1. Čedomir S. Milić (1967):

Preface – On the Occasion of the Twentieth Anniversary of the Establishment of the Geographical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Collection of Papers of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, vol. 21, pp. VII–IX.

2. Milisav V. Lutovac (1977):

Preface – On the Occasion of the Thirtieth Anniversary of the Establishment of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Collection of Papers of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, vol. 29, pp. VII–VIII.

3. Miloš Zeremski (1988):

The Forty-fifth Anniversary of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Collection of Papers of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, vol. 40, pp. 3-9.

4. Milan Bursać (2005):

The Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. In: Collection of Papers from the Scientific Symposium “Serbia and Contemporary Processes in Europe and the World”. Belgrade: the Faculty of Geography, pp. 29-38.

5. Jasmina Djordjević (2007):

The Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” from Its Foundation Until Today. Collection of Papers of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, vol. 57, pp. 5-12.

6. Vesna Lukić (2007):

Scientific-research Work in the Sphere of Demography at the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Collection of Papers of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, vol. 57, pp. 101–107.

7. Branka Tošić (2007):

Research in the Sphere of Geography of Cities at the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Collection of Papers of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, vol. 57, pp. 261–269.

8. Radmila Miletić (2007):

Economic-geographic Research at the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Collection of Papers of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, vol. 57, pp. 271–280.

Legal documents

The essential legal documents regulating scientific-research activities in Serbia, as well as the basic legal documents of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.


Republic of Serbia:

The Law on Scientific Research Activities, December 8th 2005, the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, no. 110/05.

Republic of Serbia:

The Law on Amendments to the Law on Scientific Research Activities, March 23rd 2010, the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, no. 18/10.

Republic of Serbia:

The Law on the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, March 23rd 2010, the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, no. 18/10.

The Managing Board of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts:

The Statute of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, adopted in the course of a session held on October 7th 2010.

The National Council for Scientific and Technological Development:

The Rules of Procedure and the Manner of Evaluation and Quantitative Presentation of Scientific-research Results of Researchers, adopted in the course of a session held on March 21st 2008.

The Managing Board of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts:

The Rules of Procedure Pertaining to the Work of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, adopted in the course of a session held on March 17th 2009.



  1. Gender Equality Plan (GEP) of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA, No 59/1, adopted by the Managing Board of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA, on 19th July 2022
  2. Odluka o formiranju Odbora za rodnu ravnopravnost i imenovanju Odgovornog lica za rodnu ravnopravnost, br. 60/1 , od 20.7.2022.godine, koju je doneo direktor Geografskog instituta „Jovan Cvijić“ SANU


Inter-institutional cooperation



Cooperation in the Republic of Serbia

Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” signed an agreement on scientific and technical cooperation with the Military Geographical Institute(, 20.01.2014, Belgrade. We are pleased to announce that an agreement was signed on scientific cooperation between the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA and the Military Geographical Institute. The agreement was signed by the Director of the Geographical Institute SASA, Milan Radovanović and the Chief of the MGI Col. doc. Dr. Stevan Radojčić. The signing was attended by Ilija Todorov, chief of the intelligence and reconnaissance activities of the Serbian Army and Dr. Rajko Bukvić and Dr. Mirčeta Vemić, board members of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić", SASA. 

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Although the cooperation between these two institutions existed before, especially in the field of cartography, there is a need for expanding the interface between the activities of these two institutions, which initiated the improvement of the earlier agreement on cooperation. The aim of this agreement is the development of scientific and technical relations, the organization of joint research programs in the field of terrain and cabinet research, development of new research methods, scientific internships of researchers and professional staff, and the exchange of teaching experiences.


International cooperation

Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijic” SASA signed in 2013 Agreement on Scientific and Technical Cooperation with the Faculty of Environment and Science of the Natural Environment of the Technical University of Cvolen, Slovakia ( This agreement constitutes the consent and mutual willingness to participate in future joint projects, exchange of scientific staff, teachers, students and doctoral students, participation in conferences and meetings, as well as cooperation on a common issue of scientific papers and monographs, etc.


 Geographical Institute "Jovan Cvijic" signed an agreement on international scientific cooperation with Faculty of Geography of Lomonosov Moscow State University ( on May 13th 2013, in Moscow, including: the possibility of the common applying for future scientific projects, exchange of lecturers and students, co-publishing and the common organization of international conferences.

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In the period 20-30 August 2013, a group of professors and students of the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University "MV Lomonosov" ( stayed at the Petnica Research Station in the co-organisation of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA. On this occasion, Russian students of the “Department for the Rational Use of Nature”, together with Professors Dr. Sergei Kirilov and Dr. Jelena Vorobejskaja, and colleagues of the Institute of Geography, were given several joint lectures in several geographic disciplines. In addition to lectures, scientific excursions to the National Park "Tara", Natural Monument "Djavolja Varoš", Petnica cave and monasteries near Valjevo were organised. After returning to Belgrade, Dimitrije Stefanović, the Secretary General of the SASA, received the guests from Russia together with the colleagues from the Institute.

petnica 2013 link ss



International Cooperation Office

International Cooperation Office of the Geographical Institute ”Jovan Cvijić” of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA) is responsible for the management of projects and programmes and all forms of cooperation with international, as well as national partners.


Ana M. Petrović, Ph.D., coordinator

Phone: (+381) 11 2636 594

Fax: (+381) 11 2637 597




Professional services

Within the professional services, the following are performed: general, legal, personnel, material-financial and publishing affairs, as well as inter-institutional cooperation.


petar jokic

Petar Jokić

Phone: (+381) 11 2636 594, (+381) 11 2636 395, (+381) 63 1966 910

Fax: (+381) 11 2637 597



jelka panic

Jelka Panić

Phone: (+381) 11 2636 594, (+381) 11 2636 395

Fax: (+381) 11 2637 597


Technical Support

Dejan Rončević, Computer System Administrator

Drago Kanostrevac, Collaborator in charge of Internet design and computer equipment

Snežana Nešić, Accountant


The Institute library possesses a very large collection of books, periodicals, maps and atlases. For information concerning our library services, kindly contact our librarian Mrs Tijana Anđelković.

Tijana Andjelkovic

Librarian: Tijana Anđelković

Address: for the library

Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA

Djure Jakšića 9

11000 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia

Phone: +381 11 2638 790

Fax: +381 11 2637 597



The collection of books, periodicals, maps and atlases


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doi srbija  download