
Стипендисти и волонтери

Cooperation in the Republic of Serbia

Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” signed an agreement on scientific and technical cooperation with the Military Geographical Institute (http://www.vs.rs/), 20.01.2014, Belgrade. We are pleased to announce that an agreement was signed on scientific cooperation between the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA and the Military Geographical Institute. The agreement was signed by the Director of the Geographical Institute SASA, Milan Radovanović and the Chief of the MGI Col. doc. Dr. Stevan Radojčić. The signing was attended by Ilija Todorov, chief of the intelligence and reconnaissance activities of the Serbian Army and Dr. Rajko Bukvić and Dr. Mirčeta Vemić, board members of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić", SASA. 

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Although the cooperation between these two institutions existed before, especially in the field of cartography, there is a need for expanding the interface between the activities of these two institutions, which initiated the improvement of the earlier agreement on cooperation. The aim of this agreement is the development of scientific and technical relations, the organization of joint research programs in the field of terrain and cabinet research, development of new research methods, scientific internships of researchers and professional staff, and the exchange of teaching experiences.

International cooperation

Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijic” SASA signed in 2013 Agreement on Scientific and Technical Cooperation with the Faculty of Environment and Science of the Natural Environment of the Technical University of Cvolen, Slovakia (http://www.tuzvo.sk/). This agreement constitutes the consent and mutual willingness to participate in future joint projects, exchange of scientific staff, teachers, students and doctoral students, participation in conferences and meetings, as well as cooperation on a common issue of scientific papers and monographs, etc.


 Geographical Institute "Jovan Cvijic" signed an agreement on international scientific cooperation with Faculty of Geography of Lomonosov Moscow State University (http://www.geogr.msu.ru) on May 13th 2013, in Moscow, including: the possibility of the common applying for future scientific projects, exchange of lecturers and students, co-publishing and the common organization of international conferences.

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In the period 20-30 August 2013, a group of professors and students of the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University "MV Lomonosov" (http://www.geogr.msu.ru) stayed at the Petnica Research Station in the co-organisation of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA. On this occasion, Russian students of the “Department for the Rational Use of Nature”, together with Professors Dr. Sergei Kirilov and Dr. Jelena Vorobejskaja, and colleagues of the Institute of Geography, were given several joint lectures in several geographic disciplines. In addition to lectures, scientific excursions to the National Park "Tara", Natural Monument "Djavolja Varoš", Petnica cave and monasteries near Valjevo were organised. After returning to Belgrade, Dimitrije Stefanović, the Secretary General of the SASA, received the guests from Russia together with the colleagues from the Institute.

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Scientific, or the inter-institutional cooperation is carried out for many years in terms of the core activities of the Institute. The cooperation is established between international and national institutions and organizations that are engaged in the same or complementary scientific fields. The objective of concluding the inter-institutional agreements and contracts is the development of scientific or technical connections, the organization of joint research programs in the area of interest and cabinet research. Furthermore, the goal is seen in the possibilities for the development of new research methods, scientific research internships and proffesional staff exchange, organization of scientific meetings and conferences, as well as sharing the lecturing experiences.


Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić”

Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 

Djure Jakšića 9, 11000 Belgrade

Phone: +(381) 11 2636 594

Fax: +(381) 11 2637 597


Director's Office

Milan Radovanović, PhD, Director

Phone: +(381) 11 2636 276

Fax: +(381) 11 2637 597

Petar Nešić, Secretary

Phone: +(381) 11 2636 594, +(381) 11 2636 395, +(381) 63 1966 910

Fax: +(381) 11 2637 597


International Cooperation Office

Jelena Ćalić, PhD

Phone: (+381) 11 2636 594

Fax: (+381) 11 2637 597

Marko D. Petrović, PhD

Phone: (+381) 11 2636 594

Fax: (+381) 11 2637 597

Darko Vuković, PhD

Phone: (+381) 11 2636 594

Fax: (+381) 11 2637 597

Dunja Demirović Bajrami, PhD

Phone: (+381) 11 2636 594

Fax: (+381) 11 2637 597


Tijana Andjelković, Librarian

Phone: +(381) 11 2638 790

Fax: +(381) 11 2637 597



Tamara Jojić Glavonjić, PhD, Website Editor

Phone: +(381) 64 2604 013

Fax: +(381) 11 2637 597

Drago Kanostrevac, Webmaster

Location of the Head Office of the Institute



Geographical Institute is scientific institution, part of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Belgrade. Main activities are related to the organization and systematic work on the promotion and implementation of scientific research in the field of geography, geo - sciences and related disciplines. 

The scientific activities of the Institute is regulated by the Law on Scientific Research Activity of Republic of Serbia and the set program orientation of the work. The basic interest in its activity, the Institute realizes  through basic, applied and developmental scientific research in the field of geosciences: physical geography, social geography,  regional geography, spatial planning and cartography.

The main activities of the Institute are implemented through research projects, cabinet and field research, organization of conferences and participation in international and national scientific meetings. Institute also organizes and participates in organization of seminars, lectures, consultations and promotions.



The scientific research is performed bz individual and collective engagement of Institute's collaborators in the realization of research projects. The results of scientific work are published in Institute's, Academy's, national and international periodical and thematic publications. Common forms of research team work are: scietific conferences, congresses, symposia, seminars, expeditions and other forms of research that contribute to collecting and presentation of scientific results.


Organization of scientific conferences

Institute organize different scientific meetings on various geographical themes and collaborates with other geographical institutions in the countrz and aborad, and especciallz with Institutes of Academies of Science in neighbouring countries (Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia, etc.)


Conference participation

Collaborators of the Institute regularly participate in scientific confrences in the country and abroad, presentig the results of their research on actual themes.


Seminar organization

Since 2008, the Geographical Institute "Jovan Cvijic" has been organizing seminars  aimed at protecting human lives and reducing the consequences caused by the natural hazards. The seminar is conceptualized to introduce the seminar participants with the inovative systems for collecting spatial data and learning about geographical scientific issues. The main task of these seminars is to enable teachers and professors in primary and secundary education to transfer the knowledge and skills related to general geographical issues to their students.



As part of Institute's regular activities, professional lectures are often organized, with a goal to improve staff and stakeholders knowledge for geographical topics. Lectures are commonly organized within major public events and science festivals, on various themes.



The Geographical Institute "Jovan Cvijić" of SANU regularly participates in the promotion of science. Such activities are reflected through regular activities of the Institute's associates within various events and festivals, engagement in social actions and frequent appearances in public media.


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The basic activity of the Institute scientific-research work in the sphere of geography, as a system of scientific disciplines, and it is carried out at the Institute, which is located at no. 9, Đure Jakšića Street in Belgrade. The Institute occasionally maintains research units in major centres in Serbia. Currently, there is a research centre actively operating in Novi Sad.


The scientific activity of the Institute is carried out in accordance with the Law on Scientific-research Activity in Serbia and the established programme orientation of the Institute. The Institute realises its fundamental interest within its sphere of work through basic, applied and developmental scientific research in the following areas: physical geography; geography of population and settlements; social geography; regional geography and cartography.

Organisational units

On the basis of its scientific programme activities, the Institute is organised so that it consists of departments, whereas the Institute departments consist of divisions. Apart from its basic organisational units, the Institute has its administrative organs and professional services.

Institute departments

– Physical Geography Department

– Social Geography Department

– Regional Geography Department

– Cartography Department

– Spatial Planning Department

The Institute organs


The Institute is run by the Director. The Director is elected through a public contest, for a period of four years, from among researchers who possess an academic title. The Director is employed with the Institute on a full-time basis.

The Managing Board

The Managing Board consists of eight members, appointed by the Academy and nominated by the Scientific Council, from among researchers who possess an academic title and are employed with the Institute. The term of office of Managing Board members lasts four years.

The Scientific Council

The Scientific Council is a professional organ of the Institute, and its members are elected from among scientific workers from the Institute and the Academy. It consists of six members. The Director of the Institute is a Council member on the basis of his/her function, but he/she cannot be the Council’s Chairperson. As a rule, the Council’s Chairperson is an Academician.

The professional services of the Institute

The professional services perform work related to general affairs, legal affairs, staff, material-financial affairs and publishing.



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