of gatherings

International Conference “Jovan Cvijić – 150th Birth Anniversary”, October, 12-14th, 2015, Belgrade, Serbia
In the year 2015, we celebrate the 150th birth anniversary of renowned Serbian geographer Jovan Cvijić (1865–1927). To celebrate this significant anniversary, the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijic” SASA and Belgrade City Museum are organising the International Conference aimed at commemorating Cvijić’s scientific work and social engagement. We cordially invite you to take part at this Conference and contribute to a memory of Cvijić. Link for further informations Best regards, Organising Committee. |
II International Conference "Natural disasters - links between science and practice", 23-24th April 2015, in Saransk, Russia was sucessfully held.
With great pleasure we inform you that the conference organized by the Russian Geographical Society, the Government of the Republic of Mordovia, N.A. Ogarev Mordovskog National University and the Geographical Institute "Jovan Cvijić" SASA, was held from 23rd to 24th April 2015. Participation in the conference took a large number of Russian, Serbian and foreign scientists, presenting the results of their research in several thematic sessions. The conference has shown the great scientific interest in this issue, in the theoretical, social and practical aspects. During the conference, a wide range of natural disasters, such as fires, floods, landslides, tornadoes, earthquakes, climate variation, environmental pollution, etc were addressed to. In addition, suggestions were given for the development of priority directions of science and practice in the assessment, forecasting extraordinary geo-environmental situation. The application of a set of measures in order to expand the achieved innovation in the field of sustainable development of the region were presented. According to participants and media representatives present at the conference, with excellent organization and great interest in the scientific community, this conference was held with great success.
Editorial Board
II International conference “Natural Hazards Links Between Science and Practice” – Book of Abstracts
N. P. Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk, Republic of Mordovia, Russia, 2015
Book description. Abstracts of papers presented at the conference.
“Natural Disasters – the Links between Science and Practice” 2013, First Conference
With great pleasure we inform you that the international conference on “Natural Disasters – the Links between Science and Practice” was successfully held from 8 to 11 October 2013, organized by the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijic”, SASA. Participation in the conference was taken by a number of home and foreign scholars who exposed the results of their research within 7 sections, which demonstrated a significant scientific interest in this issue, in the theoretical, social and practical terms. A wide range of natural disasters such as fires, floods, landslides, tornadoes, earthquakes, climate variability, environmental pollution, etc. was covered. According to the estimates of all the participants, the conference was held at a high scientific level, with the prospects of holding a new onenext year, with the same title.
Milan Radovanović, Editor in Chief
International conference “Natural Hazards Links Between Science and Practice” – Book of Abstracts
The Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, 2013.
Book description. Abstracts of papers presented at the conference.
Welcome cocktail in Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
International Conference “Natural Hazards - Links between Science and Practice”, Belgrade, Serbia
8-11 October, 2013
Opening ceremony, Plenary session
International Conference “Natural Hazards - Links between Science and Practice”, Belgrade, Serbia
8-11 October, 2013