Participation in

In the course of the year 2015, the following have taken part in international conferences:
Milan Radovanović, Ph.D.
International conference - Байкальский международный экологический форум „Чистая планета“, Irkutsk, Russia.
Details about the conference are available at:
October 3-4th, 2015

Vlasta Kokotović Kanazir, MSc, Milena Panić, MSc, Marija Drobnjaković, MSc, Jovana Todorić, MSc
Scientific conference “Society and Space”, Novi Sad, Serbia.
Organizers: Serbian Sociological Society, Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, and, Institute of Comparative Law, Belgrade
September 25-26th, 2015

Jovana Todorić, MSc
Scientific conference “EUGEO Budapest 2015”, Budapest, Hungary.
Announcement: “Is there reurbanization in Belgrade? Evidence and implications.”
Organizers: EUGEO, Hungarian Geographical Society, ELTE University and MTA
August 30th - September 2th, 2015
Marija Drobnjaković, MSc
Scientific workshop “The Planning and Normative Spatial and the Environment Protection”, Görlitz, Germany.
Announcement: “Typology of rural settlements as a platform for depopulation process mitigation in Serbia”
Organizers: The Oxford Institute of Population Aging, University of Oxford, UK, and, Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz, University of Applied Sciences, Germany
June 11-13th, 2015

II International Conference “Natural Disasters -Links between Science and Practice” was held in Saransk, Russia. Scientific meeting for the second time was organized in cooperation with the Russian Geographical Society, the Government of the Republic of Mordovia, N.P. Ogarev Mordovia National University and the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA.
The participants of this scientific meeting were:
Milan Radovanović, PhD
Announcement, Plenary lecture: “Astrophysical analysis of the crash of the Malaysian plane over Ukraine”, July 17th, 2014 (co-authorship: Yamashkin Anatoly Aleksandrovich, Darko Vuković, Stefana Babović, Slavica Malinović-Milićević)
Željko Bjeljac, PhD
Announcement, Plenary lecture: “Spatial planning regulations in order to protect against natural disasters – case study: the municipality of Beočin (Serbia)”
Announcement: “Carographic presentation and GIS analysis of fire risk zones on the territory of municipality of Beočin (Serbia)” (co-authorship: Radmila Jovanović, Aleksandra Terzić, Radomir Lazić)
Ana Petrović, PhD
Announcement: “The torrental floods in Juzna Morava River basin”
Darko Vuković, PhD
Announcement: “Influence of Summer Temperatures on Basic Economic and Tourism Indicators of the Middle Mediterraneane”, (co-authorship: Ivana Simeunović)
Milan Milenković, PhD
Announcement: “Solar Activity and Fires in Russia in summer 2010”, (co-authorship: V. Ducić, D. Vujačić)
Suzana Lović
Announcement: “Application of the lenticular lens method for presenting floods in the area of Obrenovac municipality in May 2014”, (co-authorship: Aleksandra Terzić i Dragana Milijašević)
Željko Bjeljac, PhD, and Marko D. Petrović, PhD
International scientific-practical conference “Sustainable Development of Tourism Market: International Practice and Russian Experience” was held in Stavropol (Stavropol krai, Russia). Scientific meeting for the third time was organized by the State University of Stavropol and the Faculty of Social and Cultural Service Activities and Tourism. Marko D. Petrović, PhD, and Željko Bjeljac, PhD, held plenary lectures by direct involvement, through the Skype program.
“Cultural Routes – The Development of New Tourism Destinations in Serbia”, plenary lecture by Zeljko Bjeljac, PhD, Co-authors: Aleksandrar Terzić, PhD, and Marko D. Petrović, PhD
“Tourism Impact Attitude Scale (TIAS) as a Tool of Contemporay Analysis in Agritourism”, plenary lecture by Marko D. Petrović, PhD, Co-authors: Željko Bjeljac, PhD, and Dunja Demirović, MSc
April 16th, 2015, Belgrade
Marko V. Milošević, MSc, Ana Petrović, Ph.D.
Scientific conference with international participation “The Planning and Normative Spatial and the Environment Protection”, Subotica - Palić. Scientific Meeting is the eighth time organized by the Association of Serbian Spatial Planners. Marko V. Milosevic, MSc, was the moderator of the section “Climate Changes and their Impact on the Planning, Development and Protection of the Area”, while the scientific work of the colleagues from the Geographical Institute was also presented as part of the conference.
Announcement: “Geomorphologic indicators of natural disasters - example of muddy torrent of Tekija 2014”, authors: Marko V. Milošević, Jelena Ćalić, Jelena Kovačević-Majkić, Ana M. Petrović.
April 16-18th, 2015
In the course of the year 2014, the following have taken part in international conferences:
Darko Vukovic, Ph.D.
International Conference “Geoheritage and Eco-Tourism”, PhD Darko Vukovic gave a plenary lecture entitled Ecotourism Impact Model at the international conference “Geoheritage and Eco-Tourism”, which was held on Lake Baikal, Gremjačinsk, the Republic of Buryatia, Russian Federation. The conference was organized by the Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov University.
Presentation: “Ecotourism impact model” – plenary session
August, 25-27th, 2014
Milan Radovanovic, Ph.D.
International conference „Lifelong education for sustainable development“ - LESD 2014, Saransk, Russia
Presentation: “Petnica Science Center - a Liberal Model of Gifted Education in Science” – plenary session
April, 23-25th, 2014
Details about the conference are available at:
Darko Vukovic, Ph.D.
International conference “The development prospects of industrial cities in Central Europe”,, Széchenyi István University, Hungarian Regional Science Association и HAS CERS Institute for Regional Studies, Győr, Hungary
Presentation: “Towards revitalization of industrial cities in Serbia” – plenary session
April, 21th, 2014
Darko Vukovic, Ph.D., and Milan Radovanovic, Ph.D.
International scientific- practical conference “Information Technologies, Economics and Low : state and development perspectives (ITEL 2014)”, Bucovinian University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine
Presentation: “Nutrient load on the Danube river and its main tributaries in Serbia” – plenary session
April, 3-4th, 2014
Video conferences are available at: