
The Geographical Institute was founded on May 31st 1947 within the framework of the Serbian Academy of Sciences (Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts). One of the initiators, founders and the first Director of the Institute was Petar S. Jovanović, a member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts. Institute Directors have included the Academicians Pavle Vujević and Milisav Lutovac, Prof. Dušan Dukić, PhD, Prof. Milovan Radovanović, PhD, and others.
The Institute is a scientific institution, a unit of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Belgrade, whose basic activities are organisation and systematic work on developing scientific research in the sphere of geography.
It is the Institute’s task in particular to study landscape phenomena, objects, forms, relations, states and processes within the geographical environment. Its research encompasses the landscapes of Serbia, as well as the broader territories of the Balkan Peninsula, South and Central Europe and the world.
The Geographical Institute publishes the work of its collaborators in its editions entitled Journal (Collection of Papers) and Special Publications. So far, the Institute has published 63 collections of papers, and 85 monographs.
The Institute organises various scientific events dealing with geographical issues of topical interest and cooperates with other geographical institutions, both domestic and foreign, especially with institutes within the Academies of other countries (Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia, etc.). Members of the Institute participate in scientific conferences within our country and abroad on a regular basis.
The Institute consists of four departments: the Physical Geography Department (comprising all the physical geographic disciplines), the Social Geography Department (dealing with research into settlements, population and anthropogeographic research), the Regional Geography Department (dealing with landscape planning and the environment) and the Cartography Department (compiling the Institute database, processing data and preparing thematic maps).
The Institute engages the services of 36 collaborators (among whom twelve hold a Ph.D. degree, 22 hold a MSc degree, 2 are graduate geographers), who realise projects funded by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia and other institutions.