
The basic activity of the Institute scientific-research work in the sphere of geography, as a system of scientific disciplines, and it is carried out at the Institute, which is located at no. 9, Đure Jakšića Street in Belgrade. The Institute occasionally maintains research units in major centres in Serbia. Currently, there is a research centre actively operating in Novi Sad.

The scientific activity of the Institute is carried out in accordance with the Law on Scientific-research Activity in Serbia and the established programme orientation of the Institute. The Institute realises its fundamental interest within its sphere of work through basic, applied and developmental scientific research in the following areas: physical geography; geography of population and settlements; social geography; regional geography and cartography.
Organisational units
On the basis of its scientific programme activities, the Institute is organised so that it consists of departments, whereas the Institute departments consist of divisions. Apart from its basic organisational units, the Institute has its administrative organs and professional services.
– The Physical Geography Department
– The Social Geography Department
– The Regional Geography Department
– The Cartography Department
– The Spatial Planning Department
The Institute is run by the Director. The Director is elected through a public contest, for a period of four years, from among researchers who possess an academic title. The Director is employed with the Institute on a full-time basis.
The Managing Board
The Managing Board consists of eight members, appointed by the Academy and nominated by the Scientific Council, from among researchers who possess an academic title and are employed with the Institute. The term of office of Managing Board members lasts four years.
The Scientific Council
The Scientific Council is a professional organ of the Institute, and its members are elected from among scientific workers from the Institute and the Academy. It consists of six members. The Director of the Institute is a Council member on the basis of his/her function, but he/she cannot be the Council’s Chairperson. As a rule, the Council’s Chairperson is an Academician.
The professional services of the Institute
The professional services perform work related to general affairs, legal affairs, staff, material-financial affairs and publishing.