
Year 2009
Presentation of new books

Year 2009
Presentation of new books
International Conference “150th Anniversary of Jovan Cvijić's Birth”, October, 12-14th, 2015, Belgrade, Serbia.
In the year 2015, we celebrate the 150th birth anniversary of renowned Serbian geographer Jovan Cvijić (1865–1927).
To celebrate this significant anniversary, the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijic” SASA and Belgrade City Museum organized the International Conference aimed at commemorating Cvijić’s scientific work and social engagement.
II International Conference "Natural disasters - links between science and practice", 23-24. April 2015, in Saransk, Russia was sucessfully held
With great pleasure we inform you that the conference organized by the Russian Geographical Society, the Government of the Republic of Mordovia, N.A. Ogarev Mordovskog National University and the Geographical Institute "Jovan Cvijić" SASA, was held from 23 to 24 April 2015.
Scientific cooperation
The first official visit of the Dean of the Faculty of Economics of the State University in Saransk (Russian Federation) to our Institute, July 27th, 2015, Belgrade, Serbia
Participation in international symposia
Milan Radovanović, Ph.D, International conference - Байкальский международный экологический форум „Чистая планета“, October 3-4th, 2015, Irkutsk, Russia
Vlasta Kokotović Kanazir, MSc, Milena Panić, MSc, Marija Drobnjaković, MSc, Jovana Todorić, MSc, had participated in scientific conference “Society and Space”, September 25-26th, 2015, Novi Sad and Belgrade, Serbia
Jovana Todorić, MSc, have participated in scientific international conference “EUGEO” Budapest 2015, August 30th - September 2th, 2015, Budapest, Hungary
Marija Drobnjaković, MSc, have participated in scientific workshop “Depopulation of Rural Areas in Central/Eastern Europe: Causes, consequences and solutions”, June 11-13th, 2015, Görlitz, Germany
Milan Radovanović, PhD, Željko Bjeljac, PhD, Ana Petrović, PhD, Darko Vuković, PhD, Milan Milenković, PhD, Suzana Lović, II International Conference “Natural disasters - links between science and practice“, April 23-24th, 2015, in Saransk, Russia
Željko Bjeljac, PhD, and Marko D. Petrović, PhD, International scientific-practical conference “Sustainable Development of Tourism Market: International Practice and Russian Experience”, April 16th, 2015, Stavropol, Russia
Scientific conference with international participation “The Planning and Normative Spatial and the Environment Protection”, April 16-18th, 2015, Subotica - Palić, Serbia
New publications
Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” of the Serbian Academy of Sciences & Arts has entered into an electronic licensing relationship with EBSCO Information Services, the world's most prolific aggregator of full text journals, magazines and other sources. The full text of the Journal of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijic” SASA will be found on EBSCO's academic databases within the coming months. April 6th, 2015.
Education – Seminars
Natural disasters and teaching geography
Education – Promotions
Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijic” SASA participated at the event “Researchers' Night”, which was held in Delta City, Belgrade, Serbia.
Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijic” SASA participated at the VI Eurasian Economic Youth Forum, which was held in Yekaterinburg, Russia, April 21 - 23rd, 2015.
Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijic” SASA participated at the First International Workshop “Danube Future”, which was held in Klagenfurt, Austria, April 8-10th, 2015.
Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA, participated in the Third Regional Education Fair, interactive setting: “3D Relief of Serbia” and lecture: “Torrential Floods as Natural Disasters in Serbia”, which was held in the period 12-13th March 2015 in Ćuprija, Serbia
Zeljko Bjeljac, PhD, Senior Research Assistant of the Geographical Institute won the award for the best individual in the field of event tourism for 2014. This prestigious award was presented within the VIII Meeting of Event Organizers on 11 February 2015.
Željko Bjeljac, PhD, was a guest on the show “Guestbook” on television RTS 2, where he spoke on the topic of event tourism in Serbia and activities on the development of the Regulations on the categorization of events. The show was aired on Saturday, January 31st, 2015, Belgrade, Serbia.
Geographical Institute
“Jovan Cvijić” SASA
Djure Jakšića 9
11000 Belgrade
Fax: (+381) 11 2637 597
Phone: (+381) 11 2636 594
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