др Ана М. Петровић, виши научни сарадник
Научне области: хидрологија, природне непогоде
Одабране референце
Petrović, A.M., Manojlović, S., Srejić T., & Zlatanović, N. (2024). Insights into Land Use and Demographical Changes: Runoff and Erosion Modifications in the Highlands of Serbia. Land, 13(9), 1342. https://doi.org/10.3390/land13091342
Petrović, A. M., Kostadinov, S., Ristić R., Novković I., Radevski I. (2023). The reconstruction of the great 2020 torrential flood in Western Serbia. Natural Hazards, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-023-06066-y
Петровић, A. M. (2021). Бујичне поплаве у Србији. Посебна издања, књига 73. Уредник: Ненад Живковић. Београд: Српско географско друштво, 155 стр. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/355646649_Bujicne_poplave_u_Srbiji_-_Torrential_floods_in_Serbia
Petrović, A.M., Novković, I., Kostadinov, S. (2021). Hydrological analysis of the September 2014 torrential floods of the Danube tributaries in the Eastern Serbia. Natural Hazards, 108, 1373–1387. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11069-021-04737-2
Petrović, A. M., Kovačević-Majkić, J., Milošević, M. V. (2016). Application of Run-off Model as a Contribution to the Torrential Flood Risk Management in Topčiderska Reka Watershed, Serbia. Natural Hazards, 82 (3), 1743–1753. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11069-016-2269-1
Petrović, A. M., Ristić, R. (2015). Spatiotemporal Review of the Torrential Flood Phenomenon in the Morava River Basin. SPATIUM, 34, 64-69. https://doi.org/10.2298/SPAT1534064P
Petrović, A. M., Dragićević, S., Radić, B. P., Milanović Pešić, A. Z. (2015). Historical torrential flood events in the Kolubara river basin. Natural Hazards, 79 (1), 537–547. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11069-015-1860-1
Petrović, A. M. (2015). Challenges of Torrential Flood Risk Management in Serbia. Journal of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA, 65 (2), 131–143. http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/img/doi/0350-7599/2015/0350-75991502131P.pdf
Petrović, A., Kostadinov, S., Dragićević, S. (2014): The Inventory and Characterization of Torrential Flood Phenomenon in Serbia. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 23 (3), 823-830. http://www.pjoes.com/The-Inventory-and-Characterization-of-Torrential-r-nFlood-Phenomenon-in-Serbia,89253,0,2.html
Kostadinov, S., Dragićević, S., Stefanović, T., Novković, I., Petrović, A. M. (2017) Torrential Flood Prevention In The Kolubara River Basin. Journal of Mounain Science, 14(11), 2230-2245. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11629-017-4575-9
Kostadinov, S., Zlatić, M., Dragićević, S., Novković I., Košanin, O., Borisavljević, A., Lakićević M., Mlađan D. (2014). Antropogenic Influence on Erosion Intensity Changes in Rasina River Watershed Area upstream from “Ćelije” Water Reservoir-Central Serbia, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 23 (1), 254-263.