Балканско полуострво од Јована Цвијића: историјска позадина и савремени трендови у друштвеној географији
ISBN 978-86-80029-76-4 (GIJC)
Година издања: 2018
Издавачи: Географски институт "Јован Цвијић" САНУ, Београд
Културни центар "Вук Караџић", Лозница
This publication is dedicated to the centenary of publishing of the most important
work of Jovan Cvijić in the domain of human geography — La péninsule
balkanique: geographie humaine (1918). In order to honor this publication, the
Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA from Belgrade and the Cultural
Centre “Vuk Karadžić” from Loznica organized the International Conference “The
Balkan Peninsula of Jovan Cvijić: Historical Background and Contemporary
Trends in Human Geography”, which was held in Tršić (close to Loznica) on 29th
and 30th October 2018. Eminent scientists from Serbia and abroad represented
their views regarding the anthropogeographical and ethnological issues thoroughly
studied by Jovan Cvijić.
La péninsule balkanique: geographie humaine is a significant work where Jovan
Cvijić synthetized all relevant results regarding the interactions between people
and their natural surrounding which provided a unique, integrated representation
of the Balkan Peninsula. The scientific contribution of this Cvijić’s work is manifold
and cannot be measured only by the actuality of the results in the time when they
were published, thus formulating the new concept of anthropogeography, but also
by their universality that intrigues the scholarly sphere for a full hundred years.
Since the first publication in French in 1918, through publication in Serbian in
1922 (book I) and 1931 (book II), there were several re-editions till nowadays.
This monograph offers inspiration and a valuable basis for understanding the
evolution of all phenomena specific for the Balkan Peninsula, in their entirety and
continuity, pointing to the current problems and issues and predicting the
subsequent headway of the “Balkan society”.
This publication offers to the readers various interpretations of different topics and
issues that Cvijić opened in La péninsule balkanique: geographie humaine. In the
authors’ comments, these views are sometimes criticized and sometimes glorified,
but also re-actualized in the contemporary context.
Преузмите књигу у пдф формату: Balkan Peninsula_29-30_10_2018_Proceedings.pdf